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TrainingFinder.org Discussion Board

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions. You can click on any of these and get some help with anything you might be having a problem with. If you know of anything else that should be addressed on this page please send your suggestions to .

Can I attach a file to my post?
Can I use html in my posts?
Can I run my own forum?
Do I have to accept cookies?
How do I put a poll in my post?
I want to see more (or less) posts per page.
What's with all the buttons?
Why are Subject,Poster and Posted on clickable?
Why do you ask for two email addresses?
Why should I register a Username?


Can I attach a file to my post?

If you have a browser that is Mozilla 4+ compatible then the answer is yes you can. When you preview your post you will have the opportunity to attach a file to your post.


Can I use HTML in my posts?

There are 2 ways that this can be configured on a per board basis. If HTML is On then you will see HTML is On and you can use normal HTML in your posts. If Markup is on you will see Markup is On. The following tags are available for your use if Markup is enabled:

[b] text [/b] = Makes the given text bold.
[email] [/email] = Makes the given email address clickable.
[i] text [/i] = Makes the given text italic.
[image]url[/image] = Puts the given url in an img src tag.
[pre] text [/pre] = Surrounds the given text with pre tags.
[quote] text [/quote] = Surrounds the given text with blockquote and hr's. This markup tag is used for quoting a reply.
[url] link [/url] = Makes the given url into a link.
[url=link] title [/url] = Makes the given title into a hyperlink pointing to link.
[blush] =
[cool] =
[crazy] =
[frown] =
[laugh] =
[mad] =
[shocked] =
[smile] =
[tongue] =
[wink] =
[red] text [/red] = Makes the given text red.
[green] text [/green] = Makes the given text green.
[blue] text [/blue] = Makes the given text blue.
[orange] text [/orange] = Makes the given text orange.
[black] text [/black] = Makes the given text black.
[white] text [/white] = Makes the given text white.
[yellow] text [/yellow] = Makes the given text yellow.
[purple] text [/purple] = Makes the given text purple.


Can I run my own forum?

Yes, WWWThreads is available at www.wwwthreads.com


Do I have to accept cookies?

Yes. Cookies are used to track your Username/Password and which posts you have read for your current session. Without accepting cookies some functions won't work properly.


How do i put a poll in my post?

Putting a poll in your post is simple, but remember: Posts with polls in them cannot be edited but they may be deleted.
To add a poll to your post, use this format:

[polltitle=Name of your poll]
[polloption=First Choice]
[polloption=Second Choice]
[polloption=As many choices as you would like]


I want to see more (or less) posts per page.

You can change the number of posts to be displayed per page by editing your profile. You can set this from anything between 1 and 99 posts per page. When you first sign up this gets set to 10 posts per page.


What's with all the buttons?

The buttons are used for navigation and displaying posts. Depending on the screen you are on they may serve different purposes.

When displaying a list of all threads:
- The and buttons will take you to the previous or next page of posts.
- The button will take you to the index of all available forums.
- The button will let you make a new post on that board.
- The and buttons will allow you to toggle between expanded and collapsed threads. Expanded threads will show the subject of all posts and replies in a threaded format. Collapsed threads will show the subject of the main post along with the number of replies to that post.

When viewing individual threads:
- The and buttons will take you to the previous or next thread.
- The button will take you back to the listing of all posts on that page.
- The button allows you to view the entire thread on one page if there are any replies to the original message.
- The button allows you to view the current post with all other posts on that thread displayed below in a threaded format.
- The button allows you to reply to a post.
- The button allows you to edit a post.


Why are Subject, Poster and Posted On clickable?

You can click on any of these to change the order in which the posts are sorted and displayed. If you click on Subject once, it will display posts by Subject in reverse alphabetical order. If you click on it again it will display posts by Subject in alphabetical order. Poster and Posted on works similarly.


Why do you ask for a two email addresses?

The real email address is used for email notifications and forum subscriptions and to email your password. The other is what other users see when they view your profile. We realize that some people don't want everyone to know their normal email address, but we need to know it in case you want to subscribe to a forum or if you want to have replies emailed to you. For this reason you can give us your real email address that only we will see and you can provide a different one for the general public. Some people like to put in something like . This way people can still figure out what your real email address is, but spamming agents can't just parse through the page and spam you.


Why should I register a Username?

By registering a Username, you will be able to edit your profile and preferences. You will get the most out of your time here if you change your profile to suit your individual tastes. There are a lot of options in your profile to make your experience here more enjoyable, so please take a few moments to try the various settings. Also only people with registered Usernames can take advantage of the "New Posts" feature upon each visit.

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